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Monday 23 September 2013

Pride and Prejudice bag - Monday 23rd September

Hello friends,

Yesterday we bade a fond farewell to my lovely cousins and headed down past LA to Laguna Beach, I do wish we had more than one night in this beautiful and very arty coastal community, but we are on our way again, this time to San Diego to stay with my cousin Kerry and his wife Teri for a few days (they are Elisa's parents).

I hadn't finished showing  you the other presents I made for a literature teacher (though at the moment stay at home mom), Elisa loves Jane Austen, so I used the Pride and Prejudice Stamps from Indigo Blu to  decorate this book bag for her. I used Artist Transfer paper to iron-transfer the stamped images, which I had coloured with Promarkers.

I'm very pleased to say that they were thrilled with all the presents, but especially yesterday's Halloween frame ( this year will be Wesley's first trick or treat) and this bag.

Before I go, a holiday update ( I'm writing this on Sunday evening). - we drove from my cousin's home today to Laguna Beach, a pretty beach town just outside of LA. My cousin and her husband, Scott are such an inspiring young couple...Scott set out to teach literature, decided it wasn't for him,learned carpentry and bow teaches that instead. They bought their lovely home, as little more than a wreck and through hard work have made a beautiful place to live. Their 2 year old is adorable and they were able to give us the happy news that they have another son or daughter due in the Spring. Their neighbours keep back yard hens too, which made me very mu h think about our girls.

 After checking in to our hotel here, we drove back towards LA, to Anaheim...most famous for the original Disneyland, we went there to see the ice hockey team that I support play in a pre-season game. The Anaheim Ducks.

This team was started 20 years ago and at the time belonged to Disney..I was at their first game 20 years  ago and have seen them several times since, including an exhibition game in London...where have these years gone ?!!! Unfortunately they lost tonight, but it was a good night out!

So here are a few photos

Monday, we drive to San Diego to stay with more relatives, so although I have posts scheduled, I'm not sure when my next update will be. We are back in LA after this visit, before leaving for home, so it's all dependent on wifi if I don't get the chance to update or visit you before, I'll be posting Monday week from home (jet lag permitting!)

Thanks for visiting my blog!
Love and hugs,
Carole X


  1. Another great gift made by yourself which I think are nicer than bought ones, glad you are both enjoying your trip ,

    Hazel xx

  2. You sound to be having a greta holiday - the best part of which is catching up with family. Great bag too. Christine xx

  3. Hi Carole,
    Great bag, I'm sure it will be loved. San Diego a place I love, wish I was there right now.

  4. Hi Carole, what an absolutely gorgeous bag, I am not at all surprised she loved it - fabulous use of those stamps (you should send a pic to Indigo Blu, they would love to see what you have done I am sure). Love your photos and glad to hear you are having a wonderful time. Hugs, Anne x

  5. Absolutely stunning bag, love how you have used all the images.
    Great photos, thank you for sharing all your happy moments

    Patricia xx
