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Friday 31 January 2014

Workshop Photos! Friday January 31st

Good afternoon Friends!

 One of my favourite films is the sci-fi movie Bladerunner (not the directors cut, I would add, the one with the full Harrison Ford Film Noir voice-over), but just lately I've felt like an unwilling 'extra' on the set of this movie - I know, you wonder what I'm talking about? 

Well if you know the movie, you know that it's set in the future where the city is dark and wet all the time. It just doesn't stop raining(remind you of the UK at the moment?) you see what I'm getting at now don't you? :) 

I had to go into work this morning and had a very wet walk home. As for the hens... soon as they know someone is in the house (no matter how quietly I creep in!), they know I'm home and they start making a noise to be let out, so I let them out and they ran straight to their favourite cover of an old cold frame. They spent the next hour dashing between that, the greenhouse and the cover of their own coop..just for a change of scenery I guess.

The rain was finally coming down so much and the wind blowing, that I decided it was safer to put them back in their run (where they were sheltering anyway) -but- they know I'm home and are now crying to come out again!  I'm holding out that they'll soon get fed up and realise that they are better off inside!

At last night's Out of the Blue Craft Group,  I had one new lady in my group and two that had only been once before, but last time were on Amy's table. They aren't just new t he group, they told me they were pretty knew to crafting.They made four of the amazing cards below(one of them made two!). 

After the initial hesitation from everyone, it was the same as the week before: heads down just doodling..some just doodled and took their art home to make into cards, but these were the cards I managed to photograph.

Such concentration..everyone is in the zone!

I just couldn't get an in focus shot of this lovely card by our first time lady

This owl was made by one of our regulars and was modelled on one of the examples I'd made, which I will be sharing sometime soon

Well done to everyone again, these cards are all fabulous!

I'm not going to share my Zentangle with a twist card just yet as it was made for a Design Team and the challenge isn't up yet, so had better wait!

Love and Hugs and keep  dry,

Carole X
PS The 'girls' are still protesting at being shut in the dry, out of harms way! :)


  1. Your hens sound so full of personality! Love the cards, they're all beautiful.

  2. Oh! My! Word! Carole these cards are amazing. Wish I had your ladies in my class...........!!!!!
    Those hens of yours sound so funny, had to laugh at their antics.
    Have a wonderful weekend

    Patricia xx

  3. wow, your ladies created the most beautiful cards! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  4. It gives me hope! if "newbies" can create these outstanding drawings!! WOW really outstanding!!!!!

    I'm giggling thinking of your hens scolding you for the poor weather!

  5. I do hope it stops raining soon so the 'girls' can enjoy themselves outside. The cards made by the craft group ladies are fabulous, I particularly like the owl one but they are all amazing. Hugs, Anne x

  6. Great makes from your ladies. Our hens are not liking all this rain, and the ones at work were sitting in the door way of the green house today. Hazel x

  7. Great cards again, I love the Owl interpretation. I also like the card the new lady made, where she used white pen on black card gives Zentangle a different feel. Look forward to February's workshop and the challenge you have lined up for us. :)

  8. Hi Carole

    Wow!! How amazing are those cards .. .. and all of your lovely ladies with their heads down! Not one laughing or talking (if there was that would be me!!).

    Brilliant work!

    Your chicken stories make me smile and I can just imagine them flitting around the garden.

    Hope you have a good weekend - despite the weather.

    Love Jules xx
