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Wednesday 15 January 2014

WOYWW 241 - Wednesday 15th January 2014

Hello Friends and fellow WOYWWers!

Before I  let you peak at my work desk this week, I would like to offer a big welcome to my latest follower Claire Grantham..hello there Claire and thank you so much for choosing to follow me, do let me know if you have a blog of your own so that I can come visit.

For those of you new to WOYWW or don't know what I'm on about, hop over to Julia at Stamping Ground for all the deets and then put your desk on display for the world to see as well!

After last week's tour of my newly tidied craft room, I am back on more familiar ground this week, with a desk of crafty messiness!

 A little sneak peak of what I've been up to this's our first craft class for 2014 tomorrow and we have decided to give our ladies something a little different to start off with - and we hope a nice, relaxing start to the year - Zentangle. These are a few of the tangles I have been doodling away at and a few of the cards I've made and will be blogging over the next week or so. I do love to tangle, but don't do it that often, the main reason being it does tend to get you lost in your own little world and before you know it hours have passed and your still at it when the evening meal should be cooking or worse still...the hens tucked in for the night!

But I guess that's the reason behind allow you to lose yourself in art..speaking of which,gotta g and get back in 'the zone' !

Love and Hugs,
Carole X


  1. Fabulous zentangle cards.... I really admire the gorgeous work you have created by just doodling.
    Sandra @28

  2. Hi Carole,
    now this looks more like my desk. lol. I have a very big desk but such a small space to craft in as I keep so much on I find if I put things away I can't remember where the hell I put them. lol. Well that's old age for you. lol.
    Love your Zentangle projects on the desk. Not tried it yet.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  3. Hope the hens get put away, as you are so obviously enjoying yourself. Great fun - hope the class have loads of funtoo.
    Margaret #52

  4. Wow Carole, your tangling looks amazing, I just love the chicken card with the chicken charm, the feather is beautiful too. I wish I was taking this class with you! Hugs, Anne x

  5. You know the saying "Creativity is messy - and I am very creative!!" My desk is much worse than yours Carole. HAve a good time with the class. Hope the ladies enjoy the zentangles. Hugs Christine xx

  6. Hi Carole,
    Love your chicken card, is it a stencil ? Your dexk looks quite tidy to me.

  7. Great tangle cards Carole! Your class takers will enjoy them I'm sure - for all the reasons you cite, and also because it seems to be something that people are afraid to have a go at - think they hae to learn it - so a great idea to help them on their way - isn't wonderful when people take an idea and enjoy it.

  8. Oh WOW Carole!! These are gorgeous, I had to look up have piqued my interest. Love how the finished card looks too. Cx #25

  9. Brilliant aray of goodies on your desk. Love the Zentanged image, really great
    I really wanted to do something different with my ladies but Oh! No! They wanted to stick to plain and simple cards...........ahh!!!
    Happy Crafting

    Patricia xx

  10. Like the look of these stencils Carole, hope your ladies enjoy doing these. Hazel xx

  11. I've never seen anything like this! Your artwork is amazing!! Your finished card is brilliant! such a perfect way to highlight your art!!

  12. Lovely tangles you have there!
    Happy very belated WOYWW!
    Tertia #77
