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Wednesday 23 July 2014

WOYWW #268 - Wednesday 23rd July 2014

Hello Friends!

I hope you are still enjoying the fine weather! Thank you for your comments yesterday and especially for popping over to Sam's blog and leaving a comment. Quite a few commenters mentioned that they can't make CAS cards...well neither can I!!! Honestly I was determined for that post to make three cards from the stamp, that had the same kind of 'theme' but were different. I knew the only way I could do that was to make three CAS cards...well those cards took me much longer that one card using stamping techniques, dies etc would have taken!

The thing is that I really like CAS cards, I follow some of your blogs where you make them regularly and I am in awe of them, honestly. I love using all the 'techniques' on tags, plaques, canvases and art work, but I definitely want to practice more CAS on's a thought to end on...I showed those cards to a friend who isn't a crafter and her remarks were that they were gorgeous and must have taken me ages to make....I told her that they did, because I took a while to design and  get them right, but I could replicate them quite quickly she asked me to make her some..doh!!! So there you go! I need to get quicker with my CAS!!!

Anyway...on to my WOYWW post... 

WOYWW is our weekly chance to show what's on our desks courtesy of the lovely Julia over at Stamping Ground.

Last week I unveiled the old desk that I had been transforming into a new desk for my craft room out in the garden...I must say that especially with this weather it is nice to have a separate space just for artwork, away from my card making - and I can be close to our hens..bliss!

Just to prove that I am using is my current project:

What is it you may be asking? Well it's going to be a lantern...I'm making two, one for Halloween and one for Christmas. Once I have finished painting this one I will 'rust it up' , decorate it, hang it from the stand and add a battery tea light! What fun!!!

Thanks for stopping by my desk today....I'll be doing my WOYWW rounds later!

Love and Hugs,
Carole X


  1. Morning Carole.
    Like the look of your lantern, can just see it glowing at Christmas.

  2. Looking forward to seeing the lanterns complete.xx

  3. Good morning Carole I love what is on your desk.
    Is your Lartern

  4. Sorry pressed the wrong button Carole....... I was going to ask if it was MDF I love the idea of your Lantern for Christmas.
    Looking forward to seeing the finished article.
    Have a great day

    Patricia x

    1. HI Patricia, yes it is.. they are from Ali Reeve and really easy to put together X

  5. FAB-ulous 'gonna be' lantern Carole, can't wait to see the finished product....xxxx

    The Journey is the Start

  6. Hi Carole happy WOYWW - hey that's a super lantern. Must say I too love CAS but struggle with them. .. keep trying. Cheers and have a great week RobynO#22

  7. Morning Carole. Your lantern project looks very intriguing, looking forward to seeing the finished results on here soon.
    Amy x

  8. I so nearly bought one of those lanterns when I saw Ali with them...... I really look forward to seeing yours completed - especially the Halloween one!

    Well I think you have cracked it with CAS cards now and your friend clearly thinks so too! I may just try as it would be great to do for Christmas... Hope you and the hens are enjoying this warm weather. Hugs, Anne xx

  9. Hey Carole thanks for the visit earlier...I LOL at your song, I do actually remember that one. I am sure the trip will be fine...I love the lamp idea. My wedding anniversary is Halloween... I love CAS too, sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't, but that's card making right?! Cx #60

  10. Looking forward to seeing your finished piece! ~Diane

  11. Hi Carole, I actually think CAS cards can be quite difficult to make but I love the christmas card you made, it works really well.
    Look forward to seeing the lantern finished.
    Thanks for visiting me earlier, have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x # 44

  12. In my heart the jury is still out on CAS cards. I like the reduced cost of the postage to mail them heehee but I love layers and buttons and bows and CAS cards just seem to need something. Still I have given in to the challenges a few times and the results are, like your cards yesterday, FANTASTIC! so I am not sure I want to do only CAS but I do admire them : )

    Your lantern is really sweet! can't wait to see how your Christmas one turns out : ) I can just picture an old fashioned lantern through a frosty snow covered window : )

    Have a great day!


  13. What a cool lantern! Bet both will turn out fabulous!! I can do CAS sort of. Many of my cards start that way but somewhere along the line I start adding too much stuff. LOL! Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #57

  14. Absolutely agree with you re CAS. I just love my crafty friends' cas creations, but I can see that it is an art in itself. Ooh cant wait to see the end results of the lanterns.
    {I would love you to take part in my 900 Follower Give-away. Thank you so much if you have already entered and good luck}. Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  15. I love CAS cards, but agree with you... soooo hard to make. My favorite blog is all CAS cards and it makes my friends wonder because they know that isn't me. Your double lantern project is a nifty idea. It will be nice to have for each holiday, a nice homemade decoration--so fun!

  16. that lantern looks great already, love those wooden pen holders
    Bridget #3

  17. Enjoy your new Christmas light when it is finished. It looks great.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #10

  18. Ooh I love lanterns - can't wait to see your finished creations!
