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Wednesday 16 July 2014

WOYWW - Wednesday 16th July 2014

Hello WOYWWers and regular blog friends!

I've haven't shared my WOYWW desk for a few weeks, but now I'm back and I'm revisiting my outside craft space for those of you who have either popped by before or are my blog friends.

First of all however, if you don't know about WOYWW, it's when we all get the chance to share our desks (and have a snoop around others!), it happens every Wednesday and all happens courtesy of Julia over at Stamping Ground   - click the link for full deets...

As some of you know I am a lucky gal and have both a craft room indoors and the use of a little summer house in the garden, where I decided that I would keep all my art parts, paints etc. I picked up a really old and sad looking desk for very little in an antiques/second hand shop and painted it up with chalk paint, which I then waxed. A little photo reminder is below...

We spent last Saturday doing some clearing up in the craft barn (as I have renamed it!), getting rid of rubbish and tidying up so that we could move the desk into it's rightful place...

 I painted the old chair too, but forgot to take 'before' photos... for first time visitors, the prim style hens were painted on there because we keep pet hens and I am just 'hen' mad!

In the little basket on the desk are some mdf parts to make a clock....that will be my first project in here...
 These are the shelves...I painted one of them to match the colour theme, the other still has to be painted (when I get the time and before Summer is out!). I've got all my little paint pots on one set of shelves and art parts on the others..together with boxes and cardboard I've collected to use in projects.
That's the story so far...except for.... when I went out to take these photos this morning a beautiful Peacock Butterfly was on the inside window behind the desk.I guess it may have got in there when the doors were open yesterday. I tried to take a photo of it, but it was right in the sun and to be honest, I was more concerned about opening the window and setting it free...and what a beautiful sight that was! I had to coax it  a little before it spread it's gorgeous wings and fluttered off into the breeze to enjoy the flowers as it should. As I didn't take a photo and wanted to remember it when I looked back on this post, I borrowed one from google...

Thanks for stopping by today...I'll get around some of you later, promise!

Finally....Thank you so much to all my blog friends for your comments here and over on Sam Poole's blog yesterday. I have to say that it's the first card I have made in a long time that I haven't been sure about! I was probably a bit out of my comfort zone with the colours and I think that in a few weeks I will make a similar card but very toned down and see if I like it better! 

Love and Hugs,
Carole X


  1. Good morning Carole, your desk sits in there beautifully.
    Oh! I love how you have all your "stash" organised.
    That Butterfly is magnificent, glad you went out to let him free.
    Have a great day

    Patricia xx

  2. What a wonderful workspace! Love that desk - and your pencil holders! Did you make them yourself? happy WOYWW, Evelyn # 54

  3. Gorgeous workspace and love the colours you have chosen to decorate your desk and chairs. Sandra de @53

  4. The desk looks right at home with that chair. I love that color. I've chosen a similar color ... pale shade of blue/ paint my space before the new laminate floor is installed. I save cardboard too...I sometimes even remove the back of a paper pad to use as chip board. Be well Carole.

  5. What a lovely place to craft from. The desk and chair look beautiful. ~Diane

  6. What a fun visit to your space today, Carole!! I love your sweet little craft cottage - we are twinsies! I think you are going to be super creative now that your space has been blessed by the gorgeous Peacock Butterfly's visit! What a thrill for you!! And awesome job on the desk and chair refinishing! You are extremely talented and I think it's wonderful that you are using those talents. Happy WOYWW! Have a wonderful week and thank you for the visit to my Playhouse! Hugs, Darnell #18

  7. This looks more like a craft palace than a craft barn Carole - soooo tidy as well. I love how you have everything you need for the things you are going to create in there ... and when it is cold, you just pop indoors again ... wonderful!!! I feel there ought to be Pimms around somewhere though.

    So sorry about Lacey, I am sure you are right and that she is playing with Penny somewhere totally enjoying themselves.

    Hugs to you Sue Pxxx

    1. Thanks Sue X A Pimms, now you're talking :) x

  8. Wow Carole, you have made the Craft Barn a wonderful place to get creative in! I love the way you have laid it out and the desk and chair look perfect in there. Love the Peacock Butterfly and so glad he was still alive to be released, they have such short lives, so you are a real life saver! Hugs, Anne xx

  9. This is a great spce to work.
    I think my husband would be much happier if I went outside LOL!
    Such a pretty little shed too.
    Happy crafting and have a great week, Angela x #42

    1. Thanks for joining my followers, hope you enjoy the journey.
      Big hugs, Angela x

  10. Hey Carole, this has all turned out serene BUT where's the kettle?....♥aNNie The Journey is the Start

    1. lol, I have to walk the few yards back to the house for that :) X

  11. Morning Carole.
    What a great crafty space you have made and so tidy, will it stay like that I wonder.

  12. Hi Carole, love your craft barn, the table and chair fit in perfectly! Are the wooden circle blocks handmade for your paintbrushes/pencils?xx

  13. Awesome workspace! The little desk makeover is wonderful. Diane #78

  14. OH WOW Carole, the makeover of the 'barn' has gone really well. Sorry I missed you yesterday, but I am still getting to see all the WOYWWers despite not playing :) The butterfly is amazing. Have you ever been to Corfu? In Corfu Town they have a British Cemmetary that has the most amazing array of butterflies ever, it's gorgeous. Cx

    1. No, never been to Corfu, love butterflies though..we have a 'butterfly world' near us and I love to go there and take photos! X

  15. Oh you have to see it to understand how perfect the desk is for the craft barn! I it looks so inviting, I could cheerfully come over and trash that!!

    1. LOL I think I might beat you too it! Thanks for your comment Julia X

  16. What a lovely place to craft - I'd never leave!
